Hamiltonian Pendulum
This example shows how to create processes using a Hamiltonian. It follows this paper that gives treatments of the simple planar pendulum using the Newtonian, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods.
In the hamiltonian case, we have
The process itself uses the HamiltonianProcess class and consists in just declaring the variables and defining the Hamiltonian as follows
import uk.ac.ed.inf.mois.{HamiltonianProcess, Math, Model}
* The Planar Pendulum is parametrised by two variables,
* the mass and length of the pendulum.
class Pendulum(m: Double, l: Double)
extends HamiltonianProcess("Planar Pendulum") with Math {
// declare the variables
val θ = Double("ex:θ")
val p = Double("ex:p")
// a constant
val g = 9.81
// Define the Hamiltonian
H(θ)(p) := pow(p,2)/(2*m*pow(l,2)) + m*g*l*(1 - cos(θ))
The function to define the Hamiltonian takes two lists of variables - one each for the generalised coordinates and conjugate momenta. In this case we have one coordinate, $\theta$ which is the angle from vertical of the pendulum, and $p_\theta$ the corresponding angular momentum.
Creating the model is slightly more involved than some of the other examples because in order to make a phase-space diagram we need to run the it several times with different initial conditions.
class PendulumModel extends Model {
// set up the model parameters
val m = Double("ex:m") := 1 // unit mass
val l = Double("ex:l") := 1 // unit length
// create a pendulum process
val process = new Pendulum(m, l)
// bring θ and p into scope so we can change their values
import process._
// The run method of MoisMain will normally only run
// the model once. We want to run it several times
// for different initial momenta
override def run(t: Double, tau: Double) {
// run in steps of 0.5 momentum from -10 to 10
for(i <- (-20 until 20 by 1).map(_.toDouble/2)) {
// start at pi/8 from the vertical
θ := PI/8
// set the initial momentum
p := i
// reset the output handler to produce a blank
// line in the output file for gnuplot
// run the model
process(t, tau)
And so we get these diagrams with gnuplot, clearly showing the oscillating pendulum in the central area where the circles are - each line is a path of constant energy, each corresponding to a run of the simulation with a different initial momentum. Outside the circular area the pendulum has too much energy to stop and instead circulates instead of oscillating back and forth.
The complete version of the model, which uses annotations and post-hoc calculations to transform back to cartesian coordinates can be seen in the github repository