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NetCDF output and processing

NetCDF is a format for expressing multidimensional arrays of numerical data. It is commonly used in geosciences and climate modelling but is well suited to any sort of timeseries or gridded data. There is extensive documentation on the NetCDF web site but here we will look at how to make mois produce such files and some simple ways of processing them with GNU Octave and Matlab.

Our example will be the planar pendulum model. To write the file we simply run the model like this:

sbt> run model -d 10 -o Pendulum

This produces the file Some basic operations can be done on this file with the standard utility programs. On Debian GNU/Linux derived systems these are available in the netcdf-bin package. The ncdump program will display some information about the file, and optionally render its metadata in XML format:

% ncdump -h
netcdf pendulum {
	time = UNLIMITED ; // (183 currently)
	E = 41 ;
	double time(time) ;
	double E(E) ;
		E:units = "J" ;
		E:long_name = "Total energy" ;
	double p(time, E) ;
		p:units = "J.s" ;
		p:long_name = "Angular momentum" ;

Similar information, more verbosely presented can be obtained using the command with the same name within Octave:

octave:1> ncdump("")
nc = netcdf('','noclobber');

% dimensions

nc('time') = 183;
nc('E') = 41;

% variables

nc{'time'} = ncdouble('time');  % 183 elements 

nc{'E'} = ncdouble('E');  % 41 elements 
nc{'E'}.units = ncchar('J');
nc{'E'}.long_name = ncchar('Total energy');

This output is interesting because it explains how to get at the variables – one opens the file with the netcdf command and then just references the variable names in curly brackets. The two dimensions, time and energy, are just arrays. The other values are two dimensional matrices, where the rows correspond to time and the columns correspond to energies.

Recall that in the pendulum example, the simulation is run 41 times, for different iniital conditions (increasing momentum in steps of 0.5 from -10 to 10 J.s). These initial conditions correspond to different energies, but within a single run of the simulation the total energy remains the same because there are no dissipative forces.

It was important that the energy be declared as a dimension in the model for this to happen. Otherwise it would be just a one-dimensional time-series with rubbish values for the energy and the values from the last run of the simulation for the others. This was done in the model like so

class PendulumModel extends Model {
  val process = new Pendulum(m, l)
  import process._

  Dimension(E, 41)

The metadata is also accessible, nc{'p'}.long_name will retrieve the the descriptive string, and this can be used, for example, to label plots.

For GNU Octave, we can plot the phase space diagram (angle vs. momentum) like so:

nc = netcdf("", "r")
p = nc{'p'}
theta = nc{'θ'}

plot(theta(1:35, :), p(1:35, :))
axis([-2*pi, 2*pi])
title([nc.title ": phase space diagram"])
text(-8, 13, "Each line represents a different total energy\ncorresponding to different initial momentum")
print -dpng pendulum_theta_p.png

Which produces this picture: Phase space diagram

A fuller example with Octave is pendulum-octave.m. The almost identical equivalent for Matlab is pendulum-matlab.m.